funding guidelines

An application for funding can be submitted for projects that are in line with our foundation's purpose and the funding guidelines. Applications can be submitted by non-profit institutions and private individuals whose social and/or cultural projects deal with participation, equality, promotion of democracy, integration, empowerment and/or intercultural cooperation. 

Projects and concerns are usually partially funded and reviewed in advance by the foundation team. Before you apply for funding and send us the relevant documents, please contact us in advance by email to first discuss the project proposal with us before the further steps of the application process are initiated.

Further information on the application


In order to submit a funding application, the following information must be submitted in full via mail: 

  • Information about the applicant (name, contact person, institution if applicable), contact details (address, telephone number, email address, homepage if applicable), bank details (IBAN, BIC), name of the venue (address, organiser, homepage if applicable)

  • Detailed description of the project, project description incl. objective of the project (max. 1 DIN-A4 page), period of the project

  • Budget plan: List of the total costs of the project as well as a detailed list of the individual costs, indication of all funds applied for or already committed, indication of the amount applied for from the Ursula-Wandres-Foundation

  • Additional material: such as CV, project experience, portfolio

  • Signed assurance that the information provided in the application is complete and correct

  • Templates: Application form

The processing of application documents can take up to eight weeks. We only accept online applications.

If the application is successful, the Ursula-Wandres-Foundation will pay out the funding after signing a contract, whereby the use of funds is based on the project objective and purpose stated in the application, which must be in accordance with the statutes. In the event of non-compliance, the Ursula-Wandres-Foundation may reclaim the funds granted.

After completion of the project, proof must be sent to the Foundation by e-mail within three months. The scope of activities must include the following contents:

  • short report and, if applicable, short documentation of the project

  • Project accounting

  • digital press photo for possible publication on the Foundation's homepage

  • Press releases, if applicable, other information material